Your Pants - An Everyday Weight Control Tool

Yes, the pants you wear every day can be used as a weight control tool, not so much to lose weight in my experience but more to prevent gain.

I found over the years that fixed-waist pants, particularly jeans or those with broader bands, are the best.  I discovered that if I was eating too much, my waist and stomach would reach its expansion limits of the waistband and be compressed whenever I wore these pants (letting your stomach expand is a sure way to let yourself eat too much and thus gain weight).

Another tip  Don't undo the waist button or release your belt when you sit down to eat (this was apparently once common practice by men).

I bought and still buy pants infrequently and I always try to get a waist size that is just comfortable.  It'd be too tempting to keep on getting a larger/looser size.

By contrast. elastic waist and other adjustable waist pants - let alone stretchy pants - are too dangerous to use.  You'll just release and gain weight.

I guess if you are trying to lose weight, buy new pants whenever your old ones are  little loose and give those old ones away (preferably to a non-profit thrift store) so you work down.  Fortunately for me, my waist size seems to have stayed within a 2" band throughout my adult life and I'm currently at the lower end of, if not below this band.

All that said, I have been wearing elastic waist running shorts most of the time for the past year, or elastic waist long pants at times when it is too cold.  Sometimes I put on my jeans and find out I have to put on a belt as I can slip them on or off without undoing the button.


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