Fitness is not Muscle

There is this belief that having muscle and being tone/in shape is an indicator of fitness.  That is not necessary true.  If a person has a muscular and/or toned body, it means they'be been working that part of the body.  It may be from work, or obsessively working out at a gym but that doesn't indicate fitness.

The true sign of fitness is one's cardiovascular fitness.  That is, how much the heart, lungs and associated muscles are used to performing a particular exercise for a period of time.  Think of running, swimming, bicycling, and other activities that require a constant level of aerobic activity.

Though my body is fairly toned, my fitness level currently comes from walking canines which is not particularly demanding on the heart.  I have a higher level of fitness compared to someone who is sedentary but not particularly much higher.  I should bike, swim or do something more aerobic but...


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