The Benefits of Dog Walking

Dog walking has its benefits.

The most obvious is a gentler cardio vascular workout.  It's probably just as well for the older person. Whenever I use the Stairmaster or an exercise bike, I have to remind myself that it's been over 25 years since I used one intensively and the maximum heart rate I can safely sustain at is that many beats per minute less.

One caveat is to dictate the pace and not let the dog.  That means a brisk walk which for me is less than taking 10 minutes to walk a km.  I find that if I let a dog dictate the pace, it can drop well under that.

If you have a big, strong dog that pulls, you can also use the dog as a way to get in isotonic workouts for your arm, chest and torso.

No dog and don't want one?  Maybe not a problem.  Look in your community or ask your neighbours.  They may have a dog that they're no longer able to walk as much as the dog (and perhaps they) would like.


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